This is a simple connection and strategy game. This game consists of two players. Each player has to first choose a color either red or green. And then take turns dropping one colored disc from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically suspended gri...
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Download ZIP FileThis is a simple connection and strategy game. This game consists of two players. Each player has to first choose a color either red or green. And then take turns dropping one colored disc from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically suspended gri...
The Quiz App In Python is a simple project for taking and giving the examination online. The project contains an admin side and the user side. The admin can add the quiz questions. The users can directly enter the quiz program. To add questions, the user ...
The Todo App In Python is a simple project developed using Python. This project is a GUI application that stores the list of works to do from the user's input. This project is an interesting and simple project. The project is completely functional. You ca...
The AI chatbot is a simple automatic communicating system for a college inquiry. Here, the user has to place their queries as input, and the system bot replies according to the question. This system can play a very convenient and time-saving role in deliv...
Pig game is a very interesting and fun game. The rule of the game is player may continue rolling and accumulating points or end his turn. So when the player gets 1 he/she will lose all the points. So in order to play by running code, there is two options ...
F1 Race Road Game project is written in Python. The project file contains image files, a python script ( and sound files. The gameplay Graphics is pretty good and the controls are too simple for the users. Talking about the gameplay, all the p...
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