The Quiz App In Python is a simple project for taking and giving the examination online. The project contains an admin side and the user side. The admin can add the quiz questions. The users can directly enter the quiz program. To add questions, the user ...
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Download ZIP FileThe Quiz App In Python is a simple project for taking and giving the examination online. The project contains an admin side and the user side. The admin can add the quiz questions. The users can directly enter the quiz program. To add questions, the user ...
The Simple Quiz App In Python is a simple project for testing one's knowledge power in the given topic examination. The project contains only the user side. The user must log in or sign up first to start the quiz. Also, there is a time duration set for so...
The Simple Quiz In Python is a simple project for testing one’s knowledge power in the given topic examination. The project contains only the user side. The user must start the quiz by entering their name. Also, there is a time duration set for solving th...
The Todo App In Python is a simple project developed using Python. This project is a GUI application that stores the list of works to do from the user's input. This project is an interesting and simple project. The project is completely functional. You ca...
The Notepad App in Python is a simple and similar version of the text editor application. In this application, you can create text documents easily. The system allows you greater flexibility while editing the text files or the documents. Talking about thi...
The Math Science Quiz In Python is a simple project for growing your IQs level. The project contains only the user side. The user can start the quiz by clicking on the start button. Also, you can choose the type of modes (easy, medium, hard), you want to ...
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