The GUI Test In Python is a simple project developed using Python. This project is a GUI application which displays the various tests like pop up message, different button works, and so on. You can try testing the different functionality made using tkinte...
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Download ZIP FileThe GUI Test In Python is a simple project developed using Python. This project is a GUI application which displays the various tests like pop up message, different button works, and so on. You can try testing the different functionality made using tkinte...
This Game project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script ( This is a simple GUI based strategy board game that is very easy to understand and use. All the playing rules are the same just like we play in real-time tic-tac-...
The Color Game In GUI Python is a simple project developed using Python. This project is an active mind testing game that displays random color in text and you have to identify its color. You have 60 seconds to guess as much as word color you can, and you...
The GUI Calculator In Python is a simple project developed using Python. The project contains the numbers, operators, and sign like in normal calculator. So, the user cannot enter the number themselves, they can just click on the numbers they want in the ...
The Calculator With GUI In Python is a simple project developed using Python. The project contains the numbers, operators, and signs like in a normal calculator. So, the user cannot enter the number themselves, they can just click on the numbers they want...
The Python Calculator In GUI is a simple project developed using Python. The project contains the numbers, operators, and signs like on a normal calculator. Here, the user can just click on the numbers they want in the calculations. Hence, the user can us...
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