"Modern Bag" is an online bag buying website, which is written in PHP and MYSQL. This system will make the customer easy to shopping bag they wanted. Continuously, consists of two main component Admin side and user side. In this system, the user needs to ...
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Download ZIP File"Modern Bag" is an online bag buying website, which is written in PHP and MYSQL. This system will make the customer easy to shopping bag they wanted. Continuously, consists of two main component Admin side and user side. In this system, the user needs to ...
CMS is the online concert master where admin can see the weekly performance. A web application (academic project), Concert Management System. This application helps the concert management industry to automate their process of maintaining information about...
The concert project system is the online website that is used for booking, organizing the event specially musical. This system is written in PHP and MYSQL. Continuously, consists of two main component user side and admin.
Online Bank is a web-based banking system with all essential features and security accompanied by a beautiful and simple website. The website is design in accordance with google material design and responsive web design guidelines to ensure a seamless exp...
Jobs Finder is a website where the users can search for jobs for them. This system will give the company a qualified employee for them. Users who need jobs go to browse jobs page and see all their required jobs. This page shows the category of jobs list l...
Farmacia is a online website where the user or the admin can manage their pharmacist. This system is written in PHP and MYSQL. Continuously, consists of one main component Admin side Is design for Any pharmasy to replace their existing manual, paper base ...
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