Images Into PDF Converter is an Android application project. It allows the user to take the pics and convert them into pdf format. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on you...
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File Size : 9.9 MB
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Download ZIP FileImages Into PDF Converter is an Android application project. It allows the user to take the pics and convert them into pdf format. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on you...
The Base converter is a simple project developed using c++ programming language. The project contains a base conversion system. The user can enter any number and convert them to any number system (like decimal to binary, binary to Hexadecimal, etc.).
This Volume Converter in C# is a simple GUI-based calculation project that is very easy to understand and use. This application converts volume from one unit to another (i.e. centiliter to liter). Also, this project is capable of handling most of the exce...
Dice game is a simple just roll the dice and match all the dice to win the game. This project is developed in Android Studio using Java language for the game validation. You just have to roll the dices up to three times in this game matching them all to w...
Shopping manager is a simple android app that assists you in keeping track of your shopping list.It is a simple mobile app that is developed In Android Studio. It helps the user to keep a record of what they have bought over the weekends. Also, you can ad...
The Base converter App In Python is a simple project developed using Python. The project contains a base conversion system and calculator. The user can enter any number and convert them to any number systems(like decimal to binary, binary to octal, etc.).
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