The Simple Snake Game is a single-player game. Here, the player has to control the black rectangular-shaped box (termed as a snake) on a bordered plane. The game is a very popular and interesting game. This whole system is in the C++ language. You just ha...
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Download ZIP FileThis classic arcade game is developed using C# Language. It is a common game where the player has to eat Food which will be available in different Coordinates. The more you eat food, more you’ll get score points. Player has to move the direction of the sn...
The Simple Snake Game is a single-player game. Here, the player has to control the black rectangular-shaped box (termed as a snake) on a bordered plane. The game is a very popular and interesting game. This whole system is in the C++ language. You just ha...
eveloped using python's package named pygame. Here, it consists of two points where one is movable while the other is fixed. The movable point is the snake while that of the point at fixed location is the food. Whenever the snake gets the food the length ...
This simple Snake Game project is written in Python. The project file contains image files and python scripts (, GUI uses pygame library. Talking about the gameplay, it’s a single player game, where the player (Snake) has to eat all ...
2D snake game is a simple Java application game. This whole game is in 2D version. Its the replica of the old and classic snake game. To make this game you have to use the Eclipse IDE. Also, this game sets a good example of Java-based game codes.
The Math Game is a single-player game. This project is an interesting project. Here, the user can test their calculation skills through this app. If you are able to give the right solution to the problem, then you will get a score of 10 on each question. ...
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