This is a simple sticky note project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script files. This is a simple GUI based application which is very easy to understand and use. It uses Tkinter module for the GUI. Talking about the application,...
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Download ZIP FileThis is a simple sticky note project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script files. This is a simple GUI based application which is very easy to understand and use. It uses Tkinter module for the GUI. Talking about the application,...
The Simple Quiz In Python is a simple project for testing one’s knowledge power in the given topic examination. The project contains only the user side. The user must start the quiz by entering their name. Also, there is a time duration set for solving th...
The simple chatbot is a simple automatic communicating system for guessing your age. Also, the system takes your number to be counted, gives you the correct answer if the value you give is a number, and even askes you multiple choice questions for checkin...
The Notepad in Python is a simple and similar version of the text editor application. In this application, you can create text documents easily. The system allows you greater flexibility while editing the text files or the documents. Talking about this sy...
This simple Tic tac toe project is written in Python. The project file contains the python script ( This program implements the game for two-player. All the playing rules are the same just like we play in real-time tic-tac-toe. This is a simple tw...
Sticky Notes In HTML5 is simple to do list editing and managing project in JavaScript and HTML. Talking about the project, it has lots of features. A user can create notes and files as they wish. It is a single page project where you can do your text edit...
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