Student Transport Management System is based on a concept of managing transportation for the students and many more. Before stepping into the main system a user has to pass through a login system to get access, there are two types of login i.e Staff and S...
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Download ZIP FileStudent Transport Management System is based on a concept of managing transportation for the students and many more. Before stepping into the main system a user has to pass through a login system to get access, there are two types of login i.e Staff and S...
Student Management System is based on the concept of managing student information. Before stepping into the main menu a user has to pass through a login system to get access, then the user can manage student information by adding, updating, removing, view...
Student Management System is based on the concept of managing student’s record. There’s a login system available for this system, the user can freely use its feature. This mini project contains limited features, but the essential one. This project is help...
This project is developed using C# language. Here, at first the user has to pass through login system to get access, then the user can insert students with fees detail, search & delete students, view paid and unpaid student’s record. This system helps to...
Student Detail System is based on a concept to generate and maintain details of the students with their reports. Before stepping into the main system a user has to pass through login system to get access, then only he/she can use all the features of the s...
This is a simple console-based, specially written in python for the beginners. It is very easy to understand and use. It basically performs a CRUD operations with no login required. This means user can use all those available features easily without any r...
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