Student Transcript Processing System project is developed using PHP, CSS, and JavaScript. Talking about the project, it has lots of features. This project has an administrator and user side. Where in User’s side. he/she can view own course Enrollment and ...
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Download ZIP FileStudent Transcript Processing System project is developed using PHP, CSS, and JavaScript. Talking about the project, it has lots of features. This project has an administrator and user side. Where in User’s side. he/she can view own course Enrollment and ...
Student Record System is developed using PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. The project contains the staff side and the admin side. From the admin panel, he/she can maintain a student’s profiles as well as teacher's profiles and also can search for a re...
The Student Admission System In PHP is a simple mini project for keeping records of new students who want to take admission in the school/college. The project contains only the admin side. The admin has to manage all the management like adding students’ d...
Student Information System is developed using PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. Talking about the project, it contains an admin side from where a user can register the student’s information and search easily. From the admin panel, he/she can maintain s...
An image processing system is a simple desktop project. This project helps in processing different images. Also, this project requires an IDE to run. You can open an image and then can make changes to it. You just apply various matrices to it. This is a r...
This system is developed using C# Language. Here, user has to enter the student’s information such as : Student id, name, attendance score, project score, written quiz score, prelim exam score and practical quiz score to compute student’s report to displa...
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