Employee management system in PHP using laravel framework is a simple laravel project. Here, you can perform the CRUD operation. In this project, you can also manage to keep the employee records by the virtue of their department and divisions.
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Download ZIP FileEmployee management system in PHP using laravel framework is a simple laravel project. Here, you can perform the CRUD operation. In this project, you can also manage to keep the employee records by the virtue of their department and divisions.
Here, Employee has to log in and employee can easily apply for a leave. Admin has to approve or decline the leave request. Admin can add/manage leave type and add/manage employees. This is a simple project done in PHP. It’s easy to operate and understand...
The Employee Management System In PHP is a simple project developed using PHP, JavaScript, and CSS. The project contains an admin and user side. The admin side manages all the management like editing site contents, managing employees activities, projects,...
Here, User can check package details easily as all the packages are divided into sub category. User can Book packages online. Admin can Add/Update/Delete – Users, Category, Sub Category, Packages. Admin can also Add Advertisements To the site and Delete /...
Employee Profile Management System project is developed using PHP, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Talking about the project, it has all the essential features required for the management of school employees faculty. This project contains only the admin’s side...
This Employee management system project is developed using C# language. Here, the user can add, edit, view, and remove employees records and manage wages according to their departments. The system automatically generates a payroll list according to emplo...
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