Simple Movie Theater System is based on a concept to show the movie list and purchase tickets. Here the user can perform certain tasks like viewing all now showings, search movies and purchase tickets easily. There’s no login system for this project. This...
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Download ZIP FileSimple Movie Theater System is based on a concept to show the movie list and purchase tickets. Here the user can perform certain tasks like viewing all now showings, search movies and purchase tickets easily. There’s no login system for this project. This...
Simple Movie Ticket Booking System is based on a concept of recording and booking customer’s movie ticket details. Here the user can perform all the tasks like booking a movie show, receiving tickets, and card registration and view all movie show details....
Simple Bank System is based on the concept of recording customer’s account details. The system contains only the admin section. Here the admin can perform all the tasks like creating an account, deposit and withdraw amount, check balance, and modify an ac...
This is a simple chatbot system project in C# programming language. This project is based on the concept of artificial intelligence. Here the bot will reply your queries if it matches its question pattern. To run this project you will require Visual Studi...
Simple Movie Ticketing System is based on the concept of managing movie ticket records. There’s no login system available for this system, the user can freely use its feature. This mini project contains limited features, but the essential one.
The Simple Banking System is a concept of recording customer’s account details. Here the user can perform all the tasks like creating an account, deposit amount, withdraw amount, check balance. Also view all account holders detail, close an account and mo...
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