The movie Recommendation system is a Content-Based Filtering Movie Recommender. This is built on a [flask app] using Python programming language and JavaScript programming language. Alos, using the concept of CB, the project uses two snippets of code. The...
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Download ZIP FileThe movie Recommendation system is a Content-Based Filtering Movie Recommender. This is built on a [flask app] using Python programming language and JavaScript programming language. Alos, using the concept of CB, the project uses two snippets of code. The...
This is a simple system for making registration in the system. This simple project has a text file to store the registration details. The system can log in with accurate details from the text file and can also sign up for new user details.
Movie Rental Shop Management System project is written in Python. The project file contains python scripts (,,, etc). This is a simple console based system which is very easy to use and understand. Talking about the system...
The Patient Information System project is written in Python. The project file contains python scripts (, and a database file. The system is GUI based with the simple controls for the users. The system contains only admin sid...
Movie Management is a simple system that can add, view, and search movie items. Also, the system is useful as a model of how to construct a simple CRUD system within Python. This simple project has an iml file to store the current movie details. Also, thi...
The Library Menu System In Python is a simple project developed using Python. The project contains only the admin side. The admin side does all the management like adding and managing categories, authors, books, issued books, and so on. Thus, this is a di...
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