The Friend Request System In PHP is a simple mini project for making friends around the world. The project contains only user sides. A user can register/login in themselves for making friends. They must log in for entering the request system. This project...
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Download ZIP FileThe Friend Request System In PHP is a simple mini project for making friends around the world. The project contains only user sides. A user can register/login in themselves for making friends. They must log in for entering the request system. This project...
The Comment System In PHP is a simple mini project for writing comments. The project contains only user sides. A user can comment and view other users’ comments in this system. This project is a simple project that is like the simplest form of the comment...
The Feedback System In PHP is a simple mini project for giving feedback to any company services or any system performance. The project contains an admin side and the user side. The admin can be view the feedback from others and evaluate it. The purpose of...
The Intern Record System In PHP is a simple mini project for managing the records of interns. The project contains the admin side. The admin can view all the users and employers. They can add and view the employer details, but cannot delete their accounts...
Voting System project is developed using PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and CSS. Talking about the project, it has lots of essential features. This project contains a Voter’s login side where a voter can Sign in to vote and Admin Panel where he/she can view ...
The Attendance System In PHP is a simple mini project for managing the attendance of students. The project contains only the user side. The user can be either a teacher or a student.
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