"Gym System" is the system that provides an easy to the user interface for the users and a database for the admin. To maintain the records of gym members. This system is written in PHP and MYSQL. Continuously, consists of one main component Admin side. T...
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Download ZIP File"Gym System" is the system that provides an easy to the user interface for the users and a database for the admin. To maintain the records of gym members. This system is written in PHP and MYSQL. Continuously, consists of one main component Admin side. T...
"Gym Management System" is the project that manage the system of the Gym. Now a days, all of the people wants to join gym for their health, for their body maintenance etc. To make the management system easy this project is make using PHP and MYSQL. The ...
"Perfume system" system is a simple system where they give the knowledge of the perfume to the user. Perfume is being a growing business in today's market. This system is written in PHP and MySQL. All of the people use perfume but limited people know abou...
A Gym booking and content management system. Allows members to book training sessions. It allows them to enter their training sessions results and more. Firstly the users need to sign up for the system. They need to fill the form that they have given. T...
"Simple Gym Management System" is the Simple system that is made using PHP, CSS, HTML, Jquery, Twitter Bootstrap. This system does not have the Login page. It is an ongoing project. Continuously, consists of one main component Admin side. This system pro...
Online Farm System is a web-based project which is useful for farmers and other users(customers). This system is written in PHP and MYSQL. Continuously, it consists of two main component Admin side and user side.
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