This project is developed using C# language. The user can add, edit, update and delete movies’ information of a cinema hall. The user has to enter movie name, publisher, release date, genre, and preview option to add a movie records. All the movie records...
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Download ZIP FileThis project is developed using C# language. The user can add, edit, update and delete movies’ information of a cinema hall. The user has to enter movie name, publisher, release date, genre, and preview option to add a movie records. All the movie records...
ATM System is based on the concept to generate the total sum amount of the user. The user can Deposit, Withdraw, pay bills from this system. This system displays the exact sum after each and every transactions. The whole project is designed in ‘C++’ langu...
MovieDB in angular js is a web-based online movie library created in angular js. In this project, you can do a lot more stuff you do while surfing the online movie streaming sites. You can set your favorite movies. Also, you can watch the movie or your tv...
The Math Game is a single-player game. This project is an interesting project. Here, the user can test their calculation skills through this app. If you are able to give the right solution to the problem, then you will get a score of 10 on each question. ...
Movie DB application is an Android project. This project keeps updated records and upcoming movies. The whole project made in Android Studio makes it more reliable and secure. This project contains different fields for holding values and movie tags. Gradl...
This Hangman is based on the concept of guessing the correct letters to form the correct word before the chance is over. This whole system is in the C++ language. This game is an interesting game that can be played with both humans or the computer as well...
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