The Enrollment System In PHP is a simple mini project for keeping records of students and teachers who want to enroll in the school/college. The project contains the admin and user sides. The admin can manage all the management like adding students’ and t...
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Download ZIP FileThe Enrollment System In PHP is a simple mini project for keeping records of students and teachers who want to enroll in the school/college. The project contains the admin and user sides. The admin can manage all the management like adding students’ and t...
Enrollment System project is developed using VB.NET. The Project is based on the concept of managing enrollment records of a school/college. Talking about the project, it contains a login system. This means the user has to pass through a login system to u...
The Student Enrollment In PHP is a simple mini project for keeping records of students. The project contains the admin and user sides. The admin can manage all the management like adding student's details, editing the details if required, and view the enr...
The Comment System In PHP is a simple mini project for writing comments. The project contains only user sides. A user can comment and view other users’ comments in this system. This project is a simple project that is like the simplest form of the comment...
This system is designed to provide the facility to set up all the tasks of employee payment. At first, the user has to pass through login system to get access, then the user can add, list, update and remove the employee’s record. This system deals with th...
The College Management System is a simple project for keeping records of students, teachers, subjects, schedules, and all the college-related things. The project contains the user and admin sides. The admin has to manage all the management like adding stu...
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