The Book store app is an Android project. It allows the user to select and buy or rent the book from this book app store. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on your compute...
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Download ZIP FileThe Book store app is an Android project. It allows the user to select and buy or rent the book from this book app store. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on your compute...
The Todo app is a simple Android project. It allows the user to manage their day-by-day task report. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on your computer.
Online Book Store is a JSP project. Here, the user can perform buying of books from the online store. The site’s user interface is simple and is easy to use. The whole project uses Java programming language for the field validation. Also, it uses XML file...
The Book Store is a simple project developed using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. This project is an interesting project. The user can add the number of book details and you can see the details stored in the list form. The user can delete the list items if he...
The Calculator app is a simple Android project. It functions fully as similar to a normal calculator. Here you can perform all of your calculations with ease. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that yo...
Phone Book is a very basic application using graphical components in the Swing toolkit in Java with MySQL as a data source. The feature of this simple application includes adding, updating, deleting, viewing and searching a list of telephone subscribers. ...
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