"Simple Event Management " is a simple project for university events. This system is written in PHP and MYSQL. Continuously, consists of one main component Admin side. The user or customers can see the ambassador's registrations page, about the website,...
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Download ZIP File"Simple Event Management " is a simple project for university events. This system is written in PHP and MYSQL. Continuously, consists of one main component Admin side. The user or customers can see the ambassador's registrations page, about the website,...
Event Management is the website where the user can register their event for booking the place. This system is web-based which is written in PHP and MYSQL. Continuously, consists of one main component Admin side. User needs to register so that the event w...
"Event Management System" is a web-based project. This system organizes the event for the customers. This system is built with PHP, MySQL, HTML, and CSS using the Bootstrap Framework. Whether you're looking to book a cocktail party, post-work gathering,...
"Simple Gym Management System" is the Simple system that is made using PHP, CSS, HTML, Jquery, Twitter Bootstrap. This system does not have the Login page. It is an ongoing project. Continuously, consists of one main component Admin side. This system pro...
"Pets Shop Management" is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. The projects are to provide a web-based interface to a pet shop owner to manages his petshop acti...
Farm Management System is meant to delineate the features of FMS. So as to serve as a guide to the developers on one hand and a system validation document for the prospective client on the other. It will illustrate the purpose and complete declaration for...
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