Class Test Application project is developed using C# language. Here at first, the user has to Login as Student, then from the Lecture Center, he/she can set Multiple Questions with Multiple Choice Answers. All the questions set from the lecturer center a...
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Download ZIP FileClass Test Application project is developed using C# language. Here at first, the user has to Login as Student, then from the Lecture Center, he/she can set Multiple Questions with Multiple Choice Answers. All the questions set from the lecturer center a...
Quiz Application project is a desktop application developed using C# Language. The Project is based on a concept of taking a quiz on different topics. Talking about the system, there are different questions on different topics and the user has to answer t...
Chat Application is made using graphical components in the Swing toolkit in Java with MySQL Database. The feature of this chat application includes sign in, sign up, chatting, creating and joining connections. Here you can create your own account and chat...
Clock application is fully developed in Android studio with the newest version of a programming language called Kotlin (click here to know more about it). You have to update your studio for the smooth running of the emulator. Also, you have to update your...
WHOIS is a very basic application built in Java. The feature of this simple application includes searching domain name details, IP tools. This simple application is built using Java programming language with the help of Netbeans IDE. In order to check a ...
To-Do Application project is a simple and extendable IOS application source code. Beautifully, This IOS app helps you to list the things to do. If a user forgets about various events, things or any other. This simple To-Do List iOS app helps the user to r...
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