The Student Details Management System In PHP is a simple mini project for keeping records of students. The project is mainly for the admin side. The admin has to manage all the management like adding student’s details, updating them, and deleting them. Ad...
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Download ZIP FileThe Student Details Management System In PHP is a simple mini project for keeping records of students. The project is mainly for the admin side. The admin has to manage all the management like adding student’s details, updating them, and deleting them. Ad...
Student Detail System is based on a concept to generate and maintain details of the students with their reports. Before stepping into the main system a user has to pass through login system to get access, then only he/she can use all the features of the s...
In this project, there are two types of login. i.e Admin and User. After Logging in as a user, he/she can View students, units, courses, attendance records, marks and academic year. Admin has full control of the system, admin can view/add students, units,...
Student File Management System is developed using PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. Talking about the project, it contains an admin side and a user side where a user can manage all the file records. The admin plays an important role in the management o...
Student Management System is based on the concept of managing student’s record. There’s a login system available for this system, the user can freely use its feature. This mini project contains limited features, but the essential one. This project is help...
Student Management System is based on the concept of managing student information. Before stepping into the main menu a user has to pass through a login system to get access, then the user can manage student information by adding, updating, removing, view...
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