Shutdown Application VB.NET Source Code, Shutdown Application VB.NET, Shutdown ApplicationThis is a simple program that will teach you on how to create a shutdown application using VB.NET framework. This shutdown app also features restart, hibernate and l...
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Download ZIP FileShutdown Application VB.NET Source Code, Shutdown Application VB.NET, Shutdown ApplicationThis is a simple program that will teach you on how to create a shutdown application using VB.NET framework. This shutdown app also features restart, hibernate and l...
Simple Notepad project is developed using VB.NET. Talking about the project, it contains lots of features. A user can write and choose font color and font size according to his/her choice and edit the text file and save it whenever he/she wants. The font ...
This simple project is developed in VB.NET. From this system, user can only Calculate the total price of the books according to the buyer’s category. i.e (buyer = Students, Teachers, Others) each buyer gets a certain amount of discount while purchasing in...
The simple task manager application is a Java project. It allows the user to manage their day by day task report. This is the updated version of the previous task application. To run the project you will need Eclipse IDE. So before you run the project mak...
Simple leave manager project is developed using PHP, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Talking about the project, it has all the essential features required for the management of company routines and leaves applications. This project contains admin side where he...
The Simple File Manager System In PHP is a simple system that helps users to upload, download and delete notes/files of their particular works. The project is a single php file. Only use this on a private network otherwise, your files may be at risk.
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