Space Shooter Game is an HTML5 and JavaScript project. The game looks amazing and fun to play. No frameworks are there in this game. This shooting game is what you need to have on your bucket list if you want to code a simple game. This game includes a lo...
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Download ZIP FileSpace Shooter Game is an HTML5 and JavaScript project. The game looks amazing and fun to play. No frameworks are there in this game. This shooting game is what you need to have on your bucket list if you want to code a simple game. This game includes a lo...
The Bubble shooter game is a single-player game. Here, the player has to control the spinning arrow (as a shooter). The main objective of this bubble shooter game is to shoot the falling bubbles as a block. And as it shoots the bubbles, it gets a score po...
This shooter game is a single-player game. Here, the player has to shoot the heart shaped falling object to score. The main objective of this shooter game is to shoot the falling hearts in order to score. The player loses when any of the hearts is shot 2 ...
This simple 2D gaming project is developed using HTML, CSS & JAVASCRIPT, specially developed for the beginners. Talking about the gameplay, the user has to shoot and dodge the enemies to score points. The more you fire enemies, more you’ll score the point...
This popular is now available in HTML version. Now this game is available in high graphics game. This whole game uses javascript and their corresponding libraries. Jquery script is also in this project. To run it use VS Code since it supports good live se...
Duck hunt is the old classic game that we have played during our childhood. Now this game is available in HTML5 and JavaScript. This whole game and project includes pure HTML5 and JavaScript coding. Also, JSON parsing plays a huge role to parse the data t...
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