The simple games collection is a group of console-based C# game. These games are the remake of the previous version of the games with some minor changes. Some of the features are not included in this game. Before you run this project you will need Visual ...
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Download ZIP FileThe simple games collection is a group of console-based C# game. These games are the remake of the previous version of the games with some minor changes. Some of the features are not included in this game. Before you run this project you will need Visual ...
A simple pong game is a simple C# game. The game is the remake of the previous version of the game. Some of the features are not included in this game. Before you run this project you will need Visual Studio. This IDE will allow you to run the solution fi...
The simple Python games project consists of 2 games namely TICTACTOE and STONEPAPERSCISSORS. The project file contains python script ( This program implement the game for one/two player for TICTACTOE and only one for STONEPAPERSCISSORS. All the ...
Simple Java Program collection is a Java project. This project contains six different java made applications or Java programs. Notepad, Puzzle, Tic Tac Toe, Word Counter, quiz, and IP finder. This is a single frame program. You can select and run whicheve...
This project is developed using HTML5, CSS & JAVASCRIPT. It is a collection of old-stylee addictive games which contains, Bounce Ball, Snake, Tetris, Defender, and Pacman Game. This is a remake of old games so the gameplay is similar to the original ones....
The Simple Math Game is a simple project developed using python. This project is an interesting project. The user can test their calculation skills through this app. You have to answer with either 0-9 on the keyboard or on-screen buttons. If you are able ...
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