CRUD Operation is a simple project in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This is an interesting project. The project contain only admin side. The project is for adding the different records of the employees. This project uses Crud operation for the management sy...
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Download ZIP FileCRUD Operation is a simple project in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This is an interesting project. The project contain only admin side. The project is for adding the different records of the employees. This project uses Crud operation for the management sy...
CRUD Operations is a simple project in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This is an interesting project. The project contains only the admin side. The project is for adding the numerous records of the city names. This project uses CRUD operations for the manage...
CRUD App is a simple project in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This is an interesting project. The project contains only the admin side. The project is for adding the numerous records of the users. This project uses CRUD operation for the management system l...
The TODO List (CRUD) is a simple project developed using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. This project is interesting project. The user can add the number of to-do work details and you can see the details stored in the list form. Also, you can even update the d...
The Concentration Game is a simple project developed using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. This game is an interesting game. The player has to click on the moving box and make a score. To click the right place, the player needs a lot of concentration in this g...
Code Quiz In JavaScript project is developed using HTML 5, CSS, and JavaScript. The project is for full-stack web development students to test their knowledge of JavaScript fundamentals. The application has a clean and polished user interface rendering r...
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