"Online clinic management system" is to manage the management system of the clinic. The main objective is to develop the software that covers all the aspects of the management and operations of clinics. It enables healthcare providers to improve operation...
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Download ZIP File"Online clinic management system" is to manage the management system of the clinic. The main objective is to develop the software that covers all the aspects of the management and operations of clinics. It enables healthcare providers to improve operation...
"Online Tender Management System" is a plan to make tender publishing online. As a part of it, tender data is recorded along with particulars of the products, specifications, and conditions. Tenders published will be visible to the visitors of the site ti...
"Cab Service Management System", is a web-based application useful for car travel agencies for handling office works. Implemented using ASP.NET and SQL server, this project aims at managing overall car services by handling finance, human resource, mainten...
"Online Tax Management" is a complete understanding of software requirement is essential to the success of software development effort. No matter how well design/well coded, a poorly analyzed and specified program will disappoint the user and bring the gr...
During the past several decade's "Bank Management System" has been transformed from a relatively obscure record-keeping staff. To central and top-level management functions. There are many factors that have influenced this transformation like technologi...
Hostel Management System Project Report" is for managing various activities of the hostel report. The report helps the user in case of Hostel Information, registration, room and Searching Hostel Account. Aim of this System report is to make the records ...
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