Teacher Assistant is an android project intended to help the teachers to track the class activity and the online attendance of the classroom students. Here the teacher can take the attendance of the students as well as can make the schedules for the upcom...
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Download ZIP FileTeacher Assistant is an android project intended to help the teachers to track the class activity and the online attendance of the classroom students. Here the teacher can take the attendance of the students as well as can make the schedules for the upcom...
Classical Pinball game in android is the old pinball game that we often used to play during our school days. This classic version is remade in Android using Android Studio. In this maven (know more about it here) plugin has been used to recreate this all-...
The TIC TAC TOE is a simple beginners level Android game project. It functions fully as similar to a normal game app. Here you can play with your opponents with ease. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure...
The Study app is a simple Android project. It allows the user to manage their day-by-day task report and also helps the user to set a timer for completing each ask. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure t...
Dice game is a simple just roll the dice and match all the dice to win the game. This project is developed in Android Studio using Java language for the game validation. You just have to roll the dices up to three times in this game matching them all to w...
The Todo app is a simple Android project. It allows the user to manage their day-by-day task report. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on your computer.
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