“Employee Management System” is developed using VB.NET. Here, the system has 2 types of Login; Administrator and Shared, from admin’s login he/she can register new employees, view, delete, modify, filter employee records, backup or retrieve database, man...
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Download ZIP File“Employee Management System” is developed using VB.NET. Here, the system has 2 types of Login; Administrator and Shared, from admin’s login he/she can register new employees, view, delete, modify, filter employee records, backup or retrieve database, man...
The Employee Registration In PHP is a simple mini project of CRUD operation using PDO(PHP data object) in the OOP style. The project contains only the admin side. The user can create, read, update, and delete employee information. This simple project is a...
Here, User has to login to get access to the system then, the User can view all employees, current employees, past employees, Add, Edit and Delete Employees. Through the system, he/she can add users to handle the system by selecting certain roles (admin o...
This simple employee record system project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script (ers.py) and an excel file. This is a simple GUI based application which is very easy to understand and use. It uses Tkinter module for the GUI. Tal...
This is a simple system for making registration in the system. This simple project has a text file to store the registration details. The system can log in with accurate details from the text file and can also sign up for new user details.
The Login Registration System In PHP is a simple mini project. The project contains the only user side. The user can login to the system if he/she already have an account. Otherwise, you have to fill the registration form first , then login into the syste...
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