Stationery Information System project is developed using VB.NET. The Project is based on the concept of managing stationery items. Talking about the project, Before entering the main menu, the user should pass through the login system to get access. After...
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Download ZIP FileStationery Information System project is developed using VB.NET. The Project is based on the concept of managing stationery items. Talking about the project, Before entering the main menu, the user should pass through the login system to get access. After...
This simple project is developed by using VB.NET. Here, the user can add, edit, search, delete and view student’s information. The user can add information such as student’s id, first and last name, course. All the information records are listed below in...
Patient Information System project is developed using VB.NET. The Project is based on the concept of managing patient information. Talking about the project, Before entering the dashboard, the user should pass through the login system to get access. After...
The student Information System is based on the concept of managing student’s records. There’s no login system available for this system, the user can freely use its feature. This mini project contains limited features, but the essential one. This project ...
Alumni Information System is a simple desktop application developed using C# Language. The Project is based on the concept of generating information on alumni/graduates of the school. Talking about the system, the user just has to curriculum, school year,...
Student Information System is developed using PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. Talking about the project, it contains an admin side from where a user can register the student’s information and search easily. From the admin panel, he/she can maintain s...
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