Bee Hive Working Mechanism System is a simple c sharp project. This system will allow you to know the how the bees work according to their Queen Bee. Here each bee is assigned to specific work by the queen. They should complete the task in given shifts or...
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Download ZIP FileBee Hive Working Mechanism System is a simple c sharp project. This system will allow you to know the how the bees work according to their Queen Bee. Here each bee is assigned to specific work by the queen. They should complete the task in given shifts or...
Banking System is developed using C++ Programming Language and different variables, strings have been used for the development of it. This project uses classes and file handling features of C++. This System is based on a concept of recording customer’s ac...
Parking System is based on the concept of managing parking area record. There’s a login system available for this system, the user can freely use its feature. This mini project contains limited features, but the essential one. This project is helpful for ...
Hostel Booking System is based on the concept of booking rooms and storing room details. This whole system is in the C++ language. The system contains only the admin side. Here, the admin can perform all the tasks like booking rooms, displaying the status...
The Simple Banking System is a concept of recording customer’s account details. Here the user can perform all the tasks like creating an account, deposit amount, withdraw amount, check balance. Also view all account holders detail, close an account and mo...
Bank System is based on the concept of recording customer’s account details. The system contains only the admin section. Here the admin can perform all the tasks like creating an account, deposit and withdraw amount, check balance, view all account holder...
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