Electronics Store Billing System is based on a concept to generate daily payment transactions bill. Here, in this mini-project he/she can use the features of the system which includes Entering Customer’s Name as well as Cashier’s name, entering each item’...
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Download ZIP FileElectronics Store Billing System is based on a concept to generate daily payment transactions bill. Here, in this mini-project he/she can use the features of the system which includes Entering Customer’s Name as well as Cashier’s name, entering each item’...
Electricity Bill system is specially designed for the purpose of calculating total electricity bill consumed. In this system, user has to enter total units consumed and the total sum amount is displayed. The whole project is designed in ‘C’ language and d...
Telecom Billing System is based on a concept to generate telecom office record, to add, update and maintain their daily records. From this system user can Add, List, Modify, Delete record as well as this program contains Payment system too which helps for...
School Billing System is based on the concept to generate the Student’s and Staff’s records and to add their details and update it. Here User can Add Students & Staffs Information as well as their Salary due and Fees details. The whole project is designe...
Mobile Store Management System is specially designed for the purpose of adding mobile’s records in mobile showrooms. In this system, the user can store mobile records easily according to their brands (Samsung, Apple, Nokia…..) The user can add, edit, view...
DVD store management system is specially designed for the purpose of adding daily DVD records in a CD/DVD store. This system makes easy for storing records as it is not time consuming. It easy to store, user just has to select DVD categories like : Movies...
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