Live Chat application is an Android project developed by our member Ashish Shrestha as his final year project. This system helps you to perform a real-time chatting experience. Here you before you run the project you need to have node.js downloaded. You n...
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Download ZIP FileLive Chat application is an Android project developed by our member Ashish Shrestha as his final year project. This system helps you to perform a real-time chatting experience. Here you before you run the project you need to have node.js downloaded. You n...
Clock application is fully developed in Android studio with the newest version of a programming language called Kotlin (click here to know more about it). You have to update your studio for the smooth running of the emulator. Also, you have to update your...
This is a simple note writer application for Android. Here the user can select the categories from which they can read the news feeds. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on...
Chat Application is made using graphical components in the Swing toolkit in Java with MySQL Database. The feature of this chat application includes sign in, sign up, chatting, creating and joining connections. Here you can create your own account and chat...
Chess game application in Android is a simple android project and game. This project is all about the development of the chess game application. In this project, You can play the game by moving the set pieces. The whole project is validated in Java progra...
Liquor Information application is an Android project. It helps the user to gain information about the drinks and liquors. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on your compute...
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