Customer information management system in Java is a simple project. This project will allow the user to manage the customer information with ease. This system allows to make and save the appointment for the future. Also, you can modify the customer data a...
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Download ZIP FileCustomer information management system in Java is a simple project. This project will allow the user to manage the customer information with ease. This system allows to make and save the appointment for the future. Also, you can modify the customer data a...
The customer Queue management system is a java project that maintains the appointment routines. The whole system is made in NetBeans IDE. The system has a MySQL database as back-end support. The system supports all the features that are required here in t...
Student Information System is based on the concept to generate the Student’s Information records and to add & update it. Here User can add their Student’s detail with their courses safely and it’s not time-consuming. This System makes easy to store recor...
Srock management system is a java application project which is designed to keep track of the stock. This project is written in Java and works properly in NetBeans.
The expense management system in Java is a project for the management of personal contract expenditures. The whole system is in Netbeans IDE. The system does not have MySql as database support. The system supports all the features that are required here i...
HR management system is a simple and similar kind of project like employee management system. Here in this system, you can manage your employee records with ease. The project comes along with the MySQL database as backend. So you need to have your XAMPP s...
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