The Doodler Jump Game is a simple project developed using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This game is a simple platformer game similar to Mario with the same controls and objectives. The user has to jump over titles/blocks in order to move upwards and also g...
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Download ZIP FileThe Doodler Jump Game is a simple project developed using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This game is a simple platformer game similar to Mario with the same controls and objectives. The user has to jump over titles/blocks in order to move upwards and also g...
Ball Jumper Game is simply in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is a 3D platformer game using Three.js. Talking about the gameplay, the main objective of this game is to jump high as much as possible in order to gain score points. There are no time limits, al...
The Java Doodle Jump Game is a simple arcade game. This game is similar to previous doodle jumper games. This system is made in Eclipse IDE. Also, you need to have the JDK and JRE installed in your computer to run it. This is a simple yet funny game.
The jumping dead Game project is developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Talking about the gameplay, it is a simple platformer game similar to Mario with the same controls and objectives. The user has to collect coins and jump over enemies in order to ...
The Flood Game is a simple project developed using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. This project is an interesting color-based game. The user/player has to try to fill the board with a single color by clicking on the colored buttons, starting from the upper lef...
The Math Game In JavaScript is a simple project developed using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. This project is an interesting project. The user can test their calculation skills through this app. You have 10 seconds to answer with either 0-9 on the keyboard o...
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