The customer can sign in/sign up and search for the tour packages. Customers can book easily through the site. And there are other features such as customers can check their Tour history and their issued tickets, and many more. And Admin can Create, Manag...
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Download ZIP FileThe customer can sign in/sign up and search for the tour packages. Customers can book easily through the site. And there are other features such as customers can check their Tour history and their issued tickets, and many more. And Admin can Create, Manag...
Here, User can check package details easily as all the packages are divided into sub category. User can Book packages online. Admin can Add/Update/Delete – Users, Category, Sub Category, Packages. Admin can also Add Advertisements To the site and Delete /...
In this project, there’s only admin’s login as Admin Manages the Student’s record. After Login, Admin can Add, View Subjects, Courses and also view sessions, students, and register. The design of this project is pretty simple and the user won’t find it di...
Here, Student/User can log in and view room details and book hostel easily. The user can change their password anytime. Admin can add/manage rooms, courses, students and many more. This simple project is done in PHP & It’s easy to operate and understand b...
Here, User has to Login as Patient, Doctor OR Admin to use the system. From Patient’s login, a user can Book an appointment with any doctor and check appointment history. From Doctor’s login, a user can view Appointments. From Admin’s login, a user has ac...
Here, the user has to log in as Lecturer or Admin. From Lecturer’s login, the user can view and add Students, units, courses, and maintain daily Attendance records easily. From Admin’s login, the user has access to each and everything in the system. Admin...
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