Four elemental functions of persistent storage: Create, Read, Update & Delete (as an acronym CRUD). So, the function of this system is about adding, listing, deleting and editing records. The design of this project is simple and the user won’t find it dif...
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Download ZIP FileFour elemental functions of persistent storage: Create, Read, Update & Delete (as an acronym CRUD). So, the function of this system is about adding, listing, deleting and editing records. The design of this project is simple and the user won’t find it dif...
MovieDB in angular js is a web-based online movie library created in angular js. In this project, you can do a lot more stuff you do while surfing the online movie streaming sites. You can set your favorite movies. Also, you can watch the movie or your tv...
Simple CRUD is developed using PHP Framework, i.e CodeIgniter with JavaScript framework Vue.JS and Bootstrap. Talking about the project, it contains an admin side from where a user can add, edit, remove and view all the user’s information. The Admin plays...
The file manager in Angular is a simple file management system. The whole programming is in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and Angular framework. This project will help the users to keep track of their files and folder in a proper way. You can simply use any k...
As we all know TODO list is a task that needs to be completed, especially organized in order of priority. Similarly, in this simple project, the user can add all their task and he/she can mark it as complete or remove it after the task is completed. The d...
CRUD application in C# is a simple application which is developed using ASP.NET. Four basic functions of persistent storage: Create, Read, Update & Delete (as an acronym CRUD). All the function of this application is about creating, reading, updating and ...
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