Registration Form is developed using python Tkinter library. This is a GUI application to register the user details. The project contains a simple register system from where users can register themselves easily. In this project, the user has to perform al...
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Download ZIP FileRegistration Form is developed using python Tkinter library. This is a GUI application to register the user details. The project contains a simple register system from where users can register themselves easily. In this project, the user has to perform al...
Register Login Form is developed using python. This is a GUI application to register and log in. The project contains a simple login and register system from where the can register themselves and login easily. In this project, the user has to perform all ...
This is a simple system for making registration in the system. This simple project has a text file to store the registration details. The system can log in with accurate details from the text file and can also sign up for new user details.
The Color Picker In Tkinter Python is a simple project developed using Python. The project contains the three main color selection scales from where the user can customize their own color. Here, the user can just click or drag the color scale from left to...
The Employee Registration In PHP is a simple mini project of CRUD operation using PDO(PHP data object) in the OOP style. The project contains only the admin side. The user can create, read, update, and delete employee information. This simple project is a...
This Calculator App In Tkinter is a simple project developed using Python. The project contains the numbers, operators, and signs like on a normal calculator. Here, the user can just click on the numbers they want in the calculations. Hence, the user can ...
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