YouTube Video Downloader Using Python Django is a full stack Django Web Application which provides a clean, informative and interactive user interface to download any YouTube video using a video link. Then user can download video in any resolution along w...
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Download ZIP FileYouTube Video Downloader Using Python Django is a full stack Django Web Application which provides a clean, informative and interactive user interface to download any YouTube video using a video link. Then user can download video in any resolution along w...
This is a Python script of the classic game “Hangman”. The word to guess is represented by a random alphabet (A-Z). If the player guess a letter which exists in the word, the script writes it in all its correct positions. The player has 10 turns to guess...
Simple CRUD application is purely written in Python using Django Framework. This is a simple web based project which is very easy to understand and use. Talking about the system, it contains all the required functions which include adding, viewing, deleti...
Single Page Portfolio is a full stack Django Web Application which provides a clean, informative and interactive user interface to place and show their portfolio through the web. It contains responsive pages and tabs to add all the requirements needed to ...
This is an advanced project on URL Shortener which can shorten any given URL to the URL of your choice. The shortened URL can then be used as a redirecting link to your desired website.
This is a simple gallery application built using Django which provides features like adding a photo with category, date and location of the photo captured. It also contains beautiful responsive UI design to display all photos stored in the gallery.
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