Sports Club Management system is a full stack Django Web Application which provides a clean, informative and interactive user interface to see and register for sports club events. It contains responsive pages and tabs to add view, manage and enroll in dif...
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Download ZIP FileSports Club Management system is a full stack Django Web Application which provides a clean, informative and interactive user interface to see and register for sports club events. It contains responsive pages and tabs to add view, manage and enroll in dif...
Food bank is a food review posting site developed in Django. Where user can Register, Login Then add review. User can like review, Update their own profile, Edit their posted review also can delete them. There is a comment system implemented for each revi...
It is simply a management system and it is developed using python, Django and SQLite. As the title says, it collects and reports the data of the disasters and the damage caused by that disaster. It shows the records of Earthquake, Tornado, Tsunami and Vol...
Student Result Management System is a simple project!! It's single user application where user can CRUD (Create, Update, Delete) student, subject, subject combination and result. Then students can view there result and download this as PDF file.
Order Management System is a full stack Django Web Application which provides a interactive UI for managing all products, orders and customers for any sector and perform crud operations. It also provides feature to export the overall data in a PDF file fo...
The school management system web application is a Django and sqlite3 based application which provides features such as registering students to the database, monitoring their attendance, their results as well as their related information.
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